A Gandalf Group survey commissioned by The Globe and Mail suggests Canadian adults are satisfied with many aspects of their lives, with the most powerful determinants being mental health and having a sense of purpose.

  • 67% of Canadians report being happy.
  • 47% of Canadians are very happy with their salaries.
  • 78% of people 65 and up are very happy.
  • 65+, the age where Canadians are far more likley to be financially satisfied.
  • 74% of Quebec residents report that they are very happy.
  • Less than half of Canadians are satisfied with their salaries.
  • 67% of Canadians feel mostly positively about their mental health.

Read the Globe and Mail’s study about happiness in Canada.

Read the Globe and Mail’s coverage of the research: “Do you live in Canada’s happiest province?”