
Below is a compilation of the work we have done over the years that has been made public. Contact us to learn more about some of our other projects.

Two of the more prominent research projects in our archives include:

The C-Suite Survey

From 2006 to 2017, we conducted a quarterly survey for KPMG, Business News Network and The Globe and Mail’s Report on Business. This project was designed to enrich public debate in Canada and help Canadians better understand the views of executives in the country’s biggest companies. Each survey sought opinions and feedback from 150 executives from the Report on Business’ Top 1,000 Corporations on confidence in the Canadian and US economies, 12-month outlooks for their businesses, intentions to hire and ease of accessing credit or financing, as well as other top of mind business concerns and trends at the time.

The Consumerology Report

From 2008 to 2016, we conducted a quarterly research report for Bensimon Byrne, a North American advertising agency. Each report provided insights into how macro trends impact consumer behavior and purchase decisions. In addition to tracking viewponts from study to study, we applied a lens to a particular topic each quarter. The project was one of the first of its kind to report a fundamental shift in consumer spending in 2008 as well as to report consumers’ strong skepticism about environmental marketing and “green claims”.

Regulating Social Media Platforms

In-depth survey research with Canadians regarding the regulation of social media platforms and perceptions of online harms and misinformation. English Language Version of the Report Version française – traduction du rapport Read the iPolitics op-ed by Friends of...

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